Let's face it: our beloved machines aren't getting any younger. Most machines produced in the heyday of Amiga computing will be in dire need of maintenance by now. The best-known example of failing components in those old systems are the electrolytic capacitors, which can and will often start to leak when they reach a certain age. This can cause some serious damage to the rest of the hardware, and should be avoided as much as possible. A so-called 'recap' will do you wonders in that regard.
If you are looking for the right person to service your Amiga, we can recommend the following list. They are well-known in the community and have proven they have the skills necessary to do a decent repair job. However, please note that we are not acting as an intermediary for them, nor do we get any kind of commission for the jobs they get through our site. Your dealings with them are your own responsibility, and yours only.
In no particular order, we can recommend:
Frank Eersels
Location: Belgium, Rummen Repairs and recaps on all Sinclair, Commodore C64/128, Amiga and pre-90 PC-compatibles. Experienced in SMT and PCB repair. A PCB will have a close inspection first. If it is beyond repair, the PCB will be shipped back without any additional costs.
Tag me on the Commodore Amiga group or email to frank@eersels.com
If you also offer retro-repair services and you like to be included in this list, please drop us a note on info@amigaclub.be.